Continuing the series of simple down-the-neck arpeggio patterns for the electric bass.
As with all the exercises in the series, the ultimate goal is to develop an automatic awareness and instant recall of the common chord tones for each of the major chord types. Be aware of the patterns, but more importantly, try to recognize the chord tones in relationship to each other - learn to see where the third is, or the seventh, root, fifth (or more...) These are the building blocks for bass figures and lines - whether walking, playing an ostinato, a tumbao, two beat, push or whatever.....
As always, practice backwards and forwards, slowly and with a metronome. If you can, try to set the metronome as the 2 & 4. (So adjust your tempo by cutting it in half and counting the beats of the metronome as _ 2 _ 4)

min7 arpeggio study for electric bass (PDF)
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